T08 - The Builders Menu

Episode 11 November 27, 2021 00:11:01
T08 - The Builders Menu
W01 - Welcome & Orientation
T08 - The Builders Menu

Nov 27 2021 | 00:11:01


Show Notes

The Builders menu is your go-to place to access everything the CC provides.

The Builders Menu options are divided into the following groups.

It’s essential to explore these options in your own time. However, we will give you a quick overview of some Builders Menu options now.

The Membership options include

There is a great deal of information contained in the Syllabus

It’s ideal if you can go through this information step by step with your connector. However, the most significant benefit of doing this is the relationship you build with your Connector and the facilitated introductions they can make for you with others in the CC.

There is a full version of the syllabus, which you could walk through from one end to the other. However, we recommend you work through our Fast Track syllabus so that you can start taking network-building action as soon as possible. Typically the rest of the information you need will unfold as you need it.

Our Zoom meetings drive everything.

If you want to find out what meetings are on, access the “What’s On” option of the Builders menu.

One of the great benefits of this calendar is that the event times are shown in the timezone you logged in. You can see for which time zone the events are displayed from the bottom line of the calendar.

Our Weekly workshops are our most essential Core meetings.

Here are a few things to note about our weekly workshops

For all workshops apart from the first of the month, you choose the workshop you should attend.

Start with workshop number 1, and each week progress to the next workshop until you reach Workshop number 5.

Here is a brief overview of workshops 1 to 5.

Once you have completed Workshop 5, we have Workshops 5a & 5b designed to help you overcome any obstacles and become more efficient and effective with the process.

Workshop 5a is appropriately named “Help”, and Workshop 5b is called “Let’s Play”.

You can hang around workshops 5a & 5b as much as you like to learn how to get better results and interact with others to learn great hints and tips or simply resolve any problems you may have.

Workshop 6 addresses one of the biggest challenges that most people face: learning how to form consistent habits. Yet, intuitively most people realise this is one of the most significant barriers to achieving the success they desire. 

Experiencing workshop six may help you or your team members become more consistent in network building as well as other activities that are important to them.

Workshop 7 is about onboarding new members into your team. There is a lot to cover, so we have broken this workshop into 4 sessions. Each week, the facilitator of this session will give a quick overview of the process and then focus on one of the sessions. The focus session for the week will be included in the name of this Zoom breakout session—for example, W07 dash Session 1.

Workshop 8 is designed to help you improve your team building and leadership skills. Again there is a lot to cover, so this workshop has 4 sessions. Each week the focus will be on a different session.

Most people struggle with how best to invest their time. 

Workshop 9 helps you work out how best to allocate the time you have set aside to build your network.

We all want to figure out how to be most productive. 

Workshop 10 covers tools and tips that will help you become more effective. This is invaluable. Just imagine if what you (or your team members) learned in this one workshop saved you time in all your other endeavours. It’s possible that this could save you more time than the entire time you invest in network-building.

Workshop 11 is called Professional and Personal Development.

This is one of our most popular workshops. 

Each week we have an expert in their field delivering inspiring information and hints and tips that will help you in a wide variety of areas.

There is a great deal of excellent information contained in the Workshop Content.

Often you will want to quickly find something you came across in one of the workshops.

You can easily do this using the workshop SEARCH function. You’ll find this search bar located at the top of the Workshop grid.

You’ll find this function fast, powerful and easy to use. As you start typing, a list of possible results is displayed.

For example, if you wanted to access the details on setting up or using the MyMostTrusted Chrome extension, you could simply type those words into the search bar.

The search bar is so good! Make sure to try it out.

Another very popular and effective meeting is the Results Accelerator.

At a Results Accelerator meeting, a trusted and consistent contributor gives a presentation covering their background and an overview of their business.

At the end of each RA, the participants brainstorm about who they know who may be a good connection for the person who has just presented. Typically a great deal of advocacy is generated through these meetings.

We currently have 2 of these Results Accelerator meetings every week.

In most cases, the same presenter delivers their presentation at both meetings, thus gaining the broadest exposure to CC members and their contacts.

Our Special Interest groups are also very popular.

These special interest meetings are suggested and run by CC members.

The CC advertises these meetings on the What’s On calendar.

The idea of these SIGs is that CC members associated with a particular industry may help one another.

A good example is the Tech Enablement Group.

This group exists to help business owners achieve more through Technology.

The participants in this group learn about businesses that could use the services of members of this group.

Our Podcasts are invaluable.

We have 4 types of Podcasts.

(1) A Podcast of all the written material contained in each workshop. An example of this is the podcast you are listening to right now.

(2) A Podcast of all the written material contained in each of our Syllabus topics.

(3) A Podcast of “Our Classics”. This is a curated playlist of great TED talks, articles and other talks from various sources. These talks are typically inspiring, enjoyable, paradigm-shifting, and informative.

(4) Special interest Podcasts. For example, we have a Podcast of talks around how to best allocate, manage and multiply your time.

One of the most popular tools accessible from the Builders menu is the Collaborators+ Workbook.

Among other things, this Google spreadsheet gives you the ability to list and access the details for all other members of the CC. A great feature of this spreadsheet is the ability to search by name, industry, location, etc.

Our Syllabus provides a step by step process that you can follow during your weekly onboarding sessions with your Connector.

Not only will you learn a great deal, but these sessions will also help you build a relationship with your Connector, who will help you meet relevant others in the CC.

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